Behrooz Zarebavani

Behrooz Zarebavani

I am a fourth-year Computer Science Ph.D. student, focusing on the acceleration of numerical methods used in computer graphics.

About Me

Hello! My name is Behrooz. I don't enjoy waiting, and I love animations! So, I'm focused on speeding up computationally intensive algorithms used in computer graphics. I prefer my research to be directly applicable to real-world problems, so I'm doing my best to develop tools that practitioners can easily use.

I am looking for internship position! Please let me know if we can help each other.


Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Physics-based Simulation / Numerical Methods / Optimizer / HPC


A new tool that integrates with state-of-the-art sparse solvers such as Intel MKL, Apple Accelerate, and CHOLMOD. It significantly enhances the end-to-end performance of these tools, leading to a speedup of up to 3x when applied within complex physics-based simulations involving contact.

The code will be available after the SIGGRAPH 2024 evaluation.

Sparse Matrix Computation / Scheduler / Numerical Acceleration


It is an open-source scheduler that accelerates sparse kernel computations with loop-carried dependencies. It optimizes computation sequences based on sparsity patterns, kernel specifics, and hardware type. HDagg's precise adjustments of load-balance, locality and synchronization provide significant efficiency, outperforming current advanced kernels implemented in MKL such as Sprase Triangular Solver and Incomplete Cholesky Factorization by up to 13x speedup.

Github link for the code base and publication: HDagg

GPU programming / Causal Structure Discovery / Bayesian Network / HPC


This innovative algorithm offers an efficient implementation of the Peter-Clark (PC) algorithm. This solution provide a fast and efficient method towards uncovering causal relationships in observational data and significantly surpasses the performance of previous methods. cuPC represents the first GPU deployment of this algorithm, which has effectively reduced the runtime from 11 hours to a mere 4 seconds on challenging dataset.

Github link for the code base and publication: cuPC


Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Toronto
Sep 2020 - Ongoing
Focus: High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Computer Graphics | Supervisor: Maryam Mehri Dehnavi
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology
Sep 2017 - Aug 2019
Focus: High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Machine Learning | Supervisors: Matin Hasehemi and Saber SalehKaleybar
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology
Sep 2013 - Aug 2017
Focus: Digital Systems | Supervisors: S. Ahmad Motamedi